Now for the bad carbs (simple carbs) highly refined sugary starchy processed foods like, white rice, white pasta, white breads, jelly, pudding, custards, sugary cereals, cakes, pies, condensed milk, etc. Bad carbs are anything that has empty calories with no nutritional value.
There are some simple "bad" carbs that are actually "good" for you like skim milk, fruits and vegetables. Some nutritionist will tell you they are complex carbs and others will disagree and put them on the simple carbs list. The reason these are on the simple carbs list is because the fructose (sugar) that goes directly into your bloodstream after consumption. The reason they are on the complex list is because they provide nutrients and are not empty calories...technically both theories are correct. Anywho, eat all the fruits and veggies that you want, unless you are diabetic. Drink skim milk for healthy bones! All other bad carbs should be eaten in moderation or in most instances replaced with a healthier option.
Ok. Let me break this down for you. Our bodies need carbohydrates for energy, muscle and brain health. Carbohydrates break down in our bodies as glucose. If your body has no use for extra energy.... in other words your inactive the glucose then transitions into glycogen. Glycogen is then stored in your muscles and liver as stored energy. As you become active throughout the day the glycogen releases as energy too you. If you do not use what's needed of your glycogen released it then converts to fat.Your body doesn't use all of the glycogen, if it did then you would go into ketosis and feel dizzy. Instead when your body uses what's needed of the glycogen it begins pulling energy from your fat storage. I think I have this right.....nutrition wasn't my best subject.
Maximize your glycogen storage by eating "good carbs" more frequently 5 -6 times a day. In doing this you maximize loading carbs before a workout so that you have energy for the gym, swim class or a weight lifting session. It also maximizes muscle recovery after a workout so that you do not get muscle injuries.
So go get your good carb clean eating on!!!
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