Diminsh your Obese Related Comorbidities

When you are younger your body and thought process is much different than when you age. In young life we usually have a care free mentality, but it's important to think of the future of your health as we get older. Too much weight on your body can cause many problems that we often forget or choose to ingnore. These problems are called obese related comorbities. The definition of comorbity is pretty much a disorder. When we engage in overeating we are abusing our bodies and so we become irregular.

Here is a list of problems that can occur in your body if you are overweight. These diagnosis don't just impact the morbid obese, but even if you are slightly overweight.

  • Hypertension  - High blood pressure.

  • Diabetes - High blood sugar. Heart attacks, strokes, amputation and kidney failure.

  • Pulminary Hypertension - Increase of blood pressure in the pulm artery.

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea - When sleeping your breathing stops and starts.

  • Obesity hypoventalation syndrome - Failing to breath deeply enough.

  • Asthma - Spasms in your lungs which cause difficulty breathing.

  • Ischameic Heart Disease - Reduced blood supply to the heart muscle.

  • Cor pulminole - Enlargement of the right portion of the heart.

  • Metabolic Syndrome - Combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

  • Acid Reflux - There is acid in our stomach that helps us break down food. Acid reflux is when this gastric acid is regurgitated.

  • Fatty Liver - When fat spreads in your body after a while it begins attaching itself to your organs.

  • Steato Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver.

  • Increased risk of injury - Self explanatory.

  • Osteoarthritis  - Degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone especially in the hips & knees.

  • Urinary Incontinence - The inability to control the flow of urine and involuntary urination.

  • Varicose veins - Enlarged veins.

  • Lymphoedema - Fluid retention and tissue swelling

  • Candidiasis - Rash caused by yeast.

  • High Cholesterol levels - Cholesterol builds in your arteries and veins making a problem for easy blood flow to the heart and other organs of the body.

  • Depression - Feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.

To tell you the truth I don't even believe I named all of the obese related comorbidities. But this should keep you thinking for a while. The next time you pick up a piece of unhealthy food please keep these things in mind. Stay healthy and don't forget to support our page on facebook to receive healthy tips. "Diva's Working It Out"


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